The Seasons of our Heart
I was listening to the rain thinking "I wish we could make it last!" Rainy days can be very rare here in The Valley of the Sun. Sometimes...
A New Humanity for an Eternal World
Our Order embraces the entire planet. Since Francis first wrote a "rule of life" for lay people, we have been sharing and spreading his...
November Twists of Limb-lashed Shadows
Poets are interesting people. When I was young I had a friend who was a poet. They were never really interested in the "ordinary" things...
Last Tuesday (Oct 3, 2023) I attended a Transitus celebration at St. Mary's Basilica. When I walked in, the church was dark with just a...
How To Love People
“What is the spirit that guides our Franciscan way of relating to people? Article #13 of the Rule sets forth a number of qualities: A...
June 2023
In April I mentioned one of the Vatican II documents called Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (Lumen Gentium). In this document our...
Light of Nations
April 11, 2023 We often forget that Christ offers his wisdom, guidance and protection to all the world. All he asks is that we believe in...
National Visitation 2023
The National Visitation of Saint Thomas More Region convened on March 3 and ended March 6. The local fraternities were well-represented...
Remember That You Are Dust...
It's not a popular idea in our modern world. We tend to be rather full of ourselves. We prefer to think of ourselves as "self-made",...
The Nearness of God
When I teach, I often try to focus learners on the problems of our world. We are called, after all, to serve the world's needs. But I was...